This site is home to Alea Publishing & Recording, specializing in music for the bass clarinet.
We offer a growing catalog of creative, artistic transcriptions and new works for bass clarinet solo & ensemble.
About the Music
Holt Unveiled for bass clarinet quartet was written for the Lunenburg Academy of Music Performance (LAMP) Festival in music composition which took place in June 2023, with bass clarinetist Sarah Watts on the faculty.
A holt is an old English word for a wooded hill. Holt Unveiled opens by raising the foggy curtain of what appears to be a serene, calm, and quiet forest, only to reveal a realm bursting with life, sounds, and colors. The score contains written words describing different aspects of a forest such as animals and plants. For example, in measure 20 the songbird is introduced and recurs often in the piece. In measure 58, streams of water are murmuring in each voice. This piece attempts to portray my idea of the lively chatter and bustling energy that takes place in an unassuming forest.
Extended-range instruments NOT required.
Score: 15 pages, spiral bound. Parts: 4 pages each, booklet.
Hard Copy Edition
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About the Composer
Romanian-American born musician, Alexandra Văduva (b. 2004) began taking piano lessons at the age of four with Lucia Markovich through the Cleveland Institute of Music’s preparatory program. There she competed in the institute’s concerto competition at age ten and eleven. Ms. Vaduva performed in masterclasses with Dr. Shuai Wang and Dr. Caroline Oltmanns. While attending CIM’s summer program, Summer Sonata, she collaborated with Dr. Sandra Shapiro who would later become her teacher. She was accepted into CIM’s pre-college program where she also worked under the guidance of Carolyn Warner and Elizabeth DeMio. She at age 16 graduated with an Associates Degree in the Arts from Cuyahoga Community College.
Alexandra serves in the Cleveland Romanian Baptist Church as an accompanist, arranger, and conductor. She also volunteers in the summer, working in remote villages in Romania and Ukraine as a music coordinator for various children’s programs. She has studied with composers such as Dušan Bavdek, Ana Sokolović, Dinuk Wijeratne, Philippe Leroux, Roydon Tse, and Matthias McIntire. She is currently studying music composition with Dr. Andrew Rindfleisch, Dr. Greg D’Alessio and Dr. Corey Rubin and Piano Performance with Dr. Angelin Chang at Cleveland State University.
Kim Davenport
Duo Alea, the father-daughter duo of Michael and Kimberly Davenport, began performing music for bass clarinet and piano in 1996. As performers searching for new repertoire and teachers working with students eager to develop as performers, it quickly became clear that there was a need for more repertoire featuring the bass clarinet. Filling this need became the mission of Alea Publishing & Recording.
Since our first publication in 1997, the Alea catalog has now grown to include over 300 titles. We pride ourselves on the accuracy and quality of our sheet music, as well as our ability to ship directly to customers around the world.
We are proud of the diversity of our catalog in terms of the inclusion of works by composers and arrangers from around the world. We are interested in continuing to expand this diversity, representing musical ideas from around the world.
Following Michael's passing in 2019, Kim has taken over solo management of Alea Publishing. In 2020, Alea established the Dolphy Prize, an annual composition award for new works for bass clarinet by black composers.
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