This site is home to Alea Publishing & Recording, specializing in music for the bass clarinet.
We offer a growing catalog of creative, artistic transcriptions and new works for bass clarinet solo & ensemble.
About the Music
El campo ya estará verde (2020) is a single-movement work for solo bass clarinet with a duration of approximately 6'30". The composer makes frequent use of modern techniques including multiphonics and microtones, but the work does not require an extended-range bass clarinet.
Hard Copy Edition
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About the Composer
Alejandro Cano Palomo was born in Malaga, Spain in 1992. At the age of eight, he began to study piano at the Manuel Carra Conservatory in Malaga, where he graduated with the pianists Carlos Melero and Guillermo Carretero. Later, he entered the Superior Conservatory of Music of Malaga in the specialty of composition with the professors Diana Pérez Custodio and María Dolores Romero.
Thanks to a European scholarship, he moved to the Conservatorio di Musica Francesco Morlacchi in Perugia (Italy), where he finished his musical composition studies with the masters Stefano Bracci, Alessio Sabella and Edgar Alandia.
During his musical career, he has premiered works throughout Spain, Italy, Poland, Belgium and Switzerland, and has received courses from composers such as Benet Casablancas, Salvatore Sciarrino, Tristan Murail, Javier Torres Maldonado or José María Sánchez-Verdú among others.
Interested from a young age in music criticism, he began in his conservatory years to write for the specialized magazine EntreNotas, later becoming co-founder and director of the musical magazine 90disonancias, where apart from managing the magazine, he will also participate in interviews to the great personalities of music that pass through Andalusia, opinion articles and research, etc. He also collaborated with DiarioSur de Málaga as a music critic during the 2014-2016 seasons.
He is currently President of the Association of Composers and Interpreters of Malaga (ACIM) and Treasurer of the Federation of Iberian Composers Associations (FAIC). Work that combines with the creation of new works and musical research, participating in symposia and conferences organized by the University of Seville, the University of Malaga or the University of Murcia, while publishing research and analysis articles in various specialized magazines.
After three academic years as a professor of Composition Fundamentals at the Francesco Morlacchi Conservatory, he is currently teaching in the capital of Murcia, residing between said city and Malaga.
Kim Davenport
Duo Alea, the father-daughter duo of Michael and Kimberly Davenport, began performing music for bass clarinet and piano in 1996. As performers searching for new repertoire and teachers working with students eager to develop as performers, it quickly became clear that there was a need for more repertoire featuring the bass clarinet. Filling this need became the mission of Alea Publishing & Recording.
Since our first publication in 1997, the Alea catalog has now grown to include over 300 titles. We pride ourselves on the accuracy and quality of our sheet music, as well as our ability to ship directly to customers around the world.
We are proud of the diversity of our catalog in terms of the inclusion of works by composers and arrangers from around the world. We are interested in continuing to expand this diversity, representing musical ideas from around the world.
Following Michael's passing in 2019, Kim has taken over solo management of Alea Publishing. In 2020, Alea established the Dolphy Prize, an annual composition award for new works for bass clarinet by black composers.
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